顯示第 141 至 160 項結果,共 715 項
Buffered Peptone Water (另有顆粒、植物性成份)
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Buffered Peptone Water w/ NaCl
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Buffered Sodium Chloride-Peptone Solution, pH 7.0
查看內容Buffered Sodium Chloride-Peptone Solution, pH 7.0
建議作為稀釋劑,按照USP / EP / BP / JP / IP,通過藥品協調方法進行微生物限度檢測。
Bushnell Haas Agar
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Bushnell Haas Broth
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Cactus Multiplication Medium (仙人掌增殖培養基)
查看內容Cactus Multiplication Medium (仙人掌增殖培養基)
w/ Vitamins, Sucrose, Adenine sulphate, 2iP, IAA, IBA and Agar.
Campylobacter Agar Base (另有植物性成份)
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Campylobacter Cefex Agar
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Campylobacter Enrichment Broth Base (Preston Enrichment Broth Base) (另有植物性成份)
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Candida BCG Agar Base (另有植物性成份)
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Candida Medium (另有植物性成份)
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Carnation Initiation Medium (康乃馨培育培養基)
查看內容Carnation Initiation Medium (康乃馨培育培養基)
w/ Vitamins, Sucrose, Casein hydrolysate, Kinetin, NAA and Agar.
Carnation Multiplication Medium (康乃馨增殖培養基)
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Carnation Rooting Medium (康乃馨根莖部培養基)
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Carrot Agar
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Carrot Callus Initiation Medium (胡蘿蔔癒合組織培養基)
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Carrot Organogenesis Medium (胡蘿蔔成形培養基)
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Cary – Blair Medium Base (Transport Medium w/o Charcoal)
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Casein Acid Hydrolysate
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Casein Acid Hydrolysate, (Casamino Acid Certified)