顯示第 1 至 20 項結果,共 715 項
[廢番]馬鈴薯葡萄糖培養基 PDA (Potato Dextrose Agar),MH096 粉狀 -500g |HIMEDIA
查看內容[廢番]馬鈴薯葡萄糖培養基 PDA (Potato Dextrose Agar),MH096 粉狀 -500g |HIMEDIA
- Potato Dextrose Agar
- 依據美國藥典(USP)、歐洲藥典(EP)、英國藥典(BP)和日本藥典(JP)的調和方法,培養酵母和黴菌,以進行藥品的微生物限量實驗
[簡介及索引] HIMEDIA培養基、生長激素
查看內容[簡介及索引] HIMEDIA培養基、生長激素
- 新南向政策的利器,多達百項產品通過清真認證
- 經濟性及高品質,相當適合事業單位採用
- 生產各領域培養基、生長激素
- 東昇化工販售之印度HIMEDIA培養基,均為原封包裝,小瓶有封膜,大桶有封籤,隔絕汙染,確保來源
- 原廠網站及資料庫
甲殼素薄片,GRM1356, Chitin, Flakes |HIMEDIA
查看內容甲殼素薄片,GRM1356, Chitin, Flakes |HIMEDIA
- Chitin from shrimp shells, a long-chain polymer of a β-1,4 linked N-acetylglucosamine residues, may be used to study its physicochemical properties and role in the formation of arthropod exoskeletons. it can also be used for the manufacture of glucosamine and chitosan.
馬鈴薯葡萄糖培養基,GM096, PDA (Potato Dextrose Agar) 顆粒 -500g |HIMEDIA
查看內容馬鈴薯葡萄糖培養基,GM096, PDA (Potato Dextrose Agar) 顆粒 -500g |HIMEDIA
- Potato Dextrose Agar
- 從乳製品和其他食品中分離、計數酵母及黴菌
0.1% Peptone Salt Solution
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Phenylalanine Agar|M281|HiMedia
查看內容Phenylalanine Agar|M281|HiMedia
for differentiation of Proteus and Providencia group of organisms from other members of Enterobacteriaceae
on the basis of their ability to form phenyl pyruvic acid from phenylalanine.
2% Malt Extract Agar
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Acetate Agar
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Acetate Differential Agar
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Acetate Differential Agar, Modified
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Acetobacter Broth (Glucose)
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Acetobacter Broth (Mannitol)
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Acicase,Technical (Casamino Acid Technical ) (另有植物性成份)
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Actinomyces Agar (另有植物性成份)
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Actinomyces Broth (另有植物性成份)
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Actinomycete Isolation Agar 放線菌
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African Violet Maintenance Medium (紫羅蘭持久培養基)
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African Violet Multiplication Medium (紫羅蘭增殖培養基)
查看內容African Violet Multiplication Medium (紫羅蘭增殖培養基)
w/ Vitamins, Sucrose, MES, Adenine sulphate, IAA and Kinetin; w/o Agar.
Agar Agar, Type I
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Agar Powder, Bacteriological