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PS300B 300 Volt Power Supply 電泳槽電源供應器 | HOEFER
查看內容PS300B 300 Volt Power Supply 電泳槽電源供應器 | HOEFER
The versatile PS300B is designed for most electrophoresis techniques
The small footprint, large handle, and simple operation makes the PS300B easy to set up and use in your lab. With the large, easy to read LED, simply set the constant parameter, set the timer (if desired), and push start.
電泳槽電源供應器nanoPAC Mini Power Supplies | CLEAVER
查看內容電泳槽電源供應器nanoPAC Mini Power Supplies | CLEAVER
- 全新升級的 nanoPAC 迷你電源供應器系列 體積小巧且價格實惠,非常適合用於 DNA/RNA(水平電泳)與蛋白質(垂直電泳)系統。新款機型配備了簡易的「雙步驟」設定功能,使用者只需按下 MODE,分別在 STEP 1 和 STEP 2 設定所需的電壓、電流或時間,然後啟動系統,nanoPAC 即能依序自動執行兩個設定步驟,提升電泳應用的多功能性。
- 這款 nanoPAC 迷你電源供應器在原有的超小巧、經濟實惠特性上進一步升級,提供高達 300 或 500V 的恆定電壓,以及 400mA 的恆定電流輸出,足以應用於所有 Cleaver Scientific 的 multiSUB™ 水平電泳系統與 omniPAGE™ mini 垂直電泳系統。nanoPAC-500 亦可用於 VS10W 和 VS20WAVE 垂直電泳系統,以及其他廠牌的水平與垂直凝膠槽。使用者可選擇持續運行模式,或將運行時間設定至最長 999 分鐘。
- nanoPAC 採用人性化操作介面,可精細地以 1V 或 1mA 為單位進行調整,特別適合對電泳分離度要求較高的應用。此外,機身尺寸非常緊湊,同時具備兩組平行輸出端子,能同時驅動兩台電泳系統,大幅節省時間和工作空間。
[廢番]小型直立式電泳槽SE260 Mighty Small II|美國HOEFER出品
查看內容[廢番]小型直立式電泳槽SE260 Mighty Small II|美國HOEFER出品
The SE260 Mighty Small II Deluxe Mini Vertical Protein Electrophoresis Unit combines the advantages of small format and efficient cooling for rapid electrophoretic screening of proteins and nucleic acids.
- Maximum glass plate size 10 x 10.5 cm
- Flexible design, additionally able to accommodate 10 x 8 cm format with optional accessories
- Supports a wide variety of precast gels
- Efficient active cooling ensures sharp bands
- Run up to two gels (maximum 30 samples) at one time under identical conditions
- Quick and easy to assemble
- Choose from a wide variety of accessories
Complete Units Include:
- Lower Buffer Chamber
- Upper Buffer Chamber/Cooling Core
- Safety Lid with High Voltage Leads
- Casting Cradle w/Sealing Gasket Set
- Casting Clamp Assemblies, 2 pcs
- Cams, 4 pcs
- Glass Plates, Rectangular, 10 x 10.5 cm, 10 pcs
- Alumina Plates, Notched, 10 x 10.5 cm, 5 pcs
- Spring Clamps, 4 pcs
- Combs, 10 well, 2 pcs
- T-Spacers, 4 pcs
- Well Locating Decals, 2 pcs
- Gel Seal
小型直立式電泳槽SE250 Mighty Small II|美國HOEFER出品
查看內容小型直立式電泳槽SE250 Mighty Small II|美國HOEFER出品
The SE250 Mighty Small II Mini Vertical Protein Electrophoresis Unit is designed for quick screening and rapid electrophoretic separation.
Maximum glass plate size 10 x 8 cm
Efficient active cooling ensures sharp bands
Quick and easy to assemble
Requires minimal buffer
Easily upgradable to the SE260 (with optional accessories) resulting in the additional capability of accommodating both 10 x 8 and 10 x 10.5 cm gels, enabling a wider variety of precast gel options
Choose from a wide variety of accessories
Complete Units Include:Lower Buffer Chamber
Upper Buffer Chamber with Cooling Core
Safety Lid with High Voltage Leads
Casting Cradle with Sealing Gasket Set
Casting Clamp Assemblies, 2 pcs
Cams, 4 pcs
Glass Plates, Rectangular, 10 x 8 cm, 10 pcs
Alumina Plates, Notched, 10 x 8 cm, 2 pcs
Spring Clamps, 4 pcs
Combs,10 well, 2 pcs
T-Spacers, 4 pcs
Well Locating Decals, 2 pcs
Gel Seal
Basic Unit Includes:The same as above without the combs, spacers, and caster. For use with precast gels or order two SE211A combs, two sets of 8 cm long T-spacers, 10 x 8 cm rectangular glass and notched alumina plates, and a gel caster.