顯示第 41 至 60 項結果,共 718 項
PP攪拌棒含葉,固定式,梯形2葉 | Kartell
NT$600 加入購物車PP攪拌棒含葉,固定式,梯形2葉 | Kartell
- 全PP塑膠材質製作,適用一般情況的化學攪拌
- 經濟首選
- 葉片材質:PP
- 攪拌棒材質:鋼製軸心披覆PP
- 歐洲理化塑膠專門品牌出產
- 軸徑為標準規格,通用實驗室大部分的攪拌機
NT$600 -
PS300B 300 Volt Power Supply 電泳槽電源供應器 | HOEFER
查看內容PS300B 300 Volt Power Supply 電泳槽電源供應器 | HOEFER
The versatile PS300B is designed for most electrophoresis techniques
The small footprint, large handle, and simple operation makes the PS300B easy to set up and use in your lab. With the large, easy to read LED, simply set the constant parameter, set the timer (if desired), and push start.
PTFE攪拌棒含葉 | KF
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PTFE攪拌棒含葉,特長訂製品 | KF
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Rocker 400C PTFE 鍍膜耐腐蝕真空幫浦
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Rocker 410C PTFE鍍膜耐腐蝕真空幫浦
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SpectraMax ABS and ABS Plus Microplate Readers,酵素免疫分析儀,ELISA READER,連續波長,可見/UV光,具溫控震盪 | MOLECULAR DEVICES
查看內容SpectraMax ABS and ABS Plus Microplate Readers,酵素免疫分析儀,ELISA READER,連續波長,可見/UV光,具溫控震盪 | MOLECULAR DEVICES
Pipetting errors eliminated
This reader utilizes Molecular Devices’ temperature independent PathCheck Sensor technology to measure the depth (optical pathlength) of samples in a microplate. It also allows for the elimination of standard curves.
Eight-channel optics
The optical design of the reader enables simultaneous detection of 8 wells. The eight-channel system delivers both precision and speed across the microplate.
Flexibility to read a variety of plate formats
SpectraMax® Absorbance Microplate Readers can run both cuvette-based and microplate reader applications on the same instrument. Read one sample or up to 384 in a single plate read using any standard cuvette, or 96- or 384-well microplate.
Optimized optical path
The reader’s unique quartz fiber optic system minimizes stray light for precise readings across a microplate. The spectral resolution ensures accuracy of DNA absorbance measurements.
Dual wavelength reads
The reader delivers high performance with round-bottom, flat-bottom or half-area well plates. Dual wavelength readings report the actual absorbance at each wavelength making data analysis convenient.
Validation made easy
Verify the accuracy of your absorbance measurements with the SpectraTest® ABS1 Absorbance Validation Plate, using NIST-traceable standards. Testing can be done in your own lab, on your own schedule.
Super Pure producer Ⅱ高回收綠環保Type Ⅱ純水系統|UNISS
查看內容Super Pure producer Ⅱ高回收綠環保Type Ⅱ純水系統|UNISS
產水10公升 / 小時
電阻率:>5MΩ.cm(TDS=0ppm)以各案件配置為準。● 最完美的微電腦控制『純水系統』。
● 讓逆滲透系統克服原水水質及水壓問題,發揮最佳功能。
● 有效降低逆滲透系統的維修及保養成本。
● 可適應任何原水水質並進行完美的前處理。
● 集合水質前處理、純水製水、漏水感知及自動斷水等三大功能集於一身。
● 耗材更換免工具,20秒完成!
● 耗材定期更換提醒燈功能。
● 可整合不同容量的純水儲槽 (10∼1,000 公升)。
● 漏水偵測及自動斷水裝置,以防任何漏水及淹水風險!
● 分離式微電腦控制面板,裝機更具彈性! -
SVP型無油渦捲真空幫浦 | ROCKER
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UV LED 燈 ABL-5Z|日本進口
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VOC氣體監測器,C-21 | Eco Sensors®
查看內容VOC氣體監測器,C-21 | Eco Sensors®
- 定點持續監測/攜帶追蹤量測,皆適用
- 內置充電電池
- 免安裝,易讀易用,非工安專業人士亦可上手
- 綠、黃、紅三燈號危險度顯示,易判讀
- 具備警報器
- 油漆廠、印刷廠、乾洗店、木工、車輛維修場所、化學生產區域以及任何需要室內空氣質量監測的場所適用
- 量測範圍適用OSHA(美國勞動部)、EPA(美國環保署)的檢測標準值
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